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Why has the price of doxycycline gone up ? The answer is that a drug company called Zoetis is buying it. In April, I wrote about how Zoetis Pharmaceuticals had bought a Canadian generic drug maker that makes a version of doxycycline called Cipratrol. That medicine made by Cipratrol Pharmaceuticals, which the company acquired for $6 million in 2005, is a combination of two active ingredients — does the chemical make Trazodone for sleep only sense to add yet another? best drugstore pressed powder uk Why not just buy the active ingredient? answer is that the generic drug maker is going for a higher price. And to do that, it'll have add a higher price to Cipratrol. As one pharmacist said, Cipratrol costs "maybe $20-50 a month" as its new, patented drug, but "at the end of month, it hits $150." And, as I reported earlier, Cipratrol has a generic competitor right now that's far cheaper: And as recently January, the generic competition was $50 cheaper. "I don't know if there's something else Ketotifen eye drops generic that's going on with the pricing. I haven't seen it myself. don't know if this is something Doxycycline 150mg $43.2 - $1.44 Per pill that's being worked out internally or if the pharmaceutical companies have decided to go higher," said Martin Reindl, a senior director of pharmaceuticals research at the consulting firm Milliman. "All I have as a reaction is the idea that prices may have gone up, and if so, that's a shame. Who doesn't want lower prices on everything? the other hand, as this gets reported, if it's a really expensive generic, I hope this gets into the mix as well." Now, the good news is that Zoetis keeping Cipratrol as a generic drug. The bad news is that, if Zoetis wants to lower the price of Cipratrol, it might have to raise the price of generic drug. That's because the drug that they just bought in Canada — Cipratrol is currently only generically available in Europe and Australia. So, Zoetis could raise its price to Canada. And if it decides to raise prices even further other countries, the generic competition there will be undercut by one drugmaker. As I reported earlier, the new generic version of Cipratrol will cost about $100 in the U.S., half of what it costs there. But in Europe, there's a generic Cipratrol for less than US$50. This story is developing.

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